Our Location

Business Address

520 Sea St, Quincy Massachusetts 02169, United States

  • Whatsapp: +1 617-750-6038
  • Email: team@vaosia.com
Information questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i place orders?

You need to request an account registration using our Contact Us form to place orders.

A member of our team will contact you once we have reviewed your request.

Can i buy products for personal use?

Yes. Once we approve your account you will be able to place orders.

If you want to buy as a business, please send a request using our contact us form.

What are the products condition?

We sell Brand New Sealed and Refurbished (Like-New) or in other term Factory Refurbished products. 

Every product comes in Branded Box directly from the Brand.

Where do you ship from?

We Ship from Massachusetts United States of America.

Do You ship Internationally?

Yes. We ship in all the European Countries, Mexico, Japan, Turkey and Morocco.

How do you ship your products?

We use freight UPS, FEDEX and/or USPS to ship our products based on the clients request.

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